Tips for Losing Weight Safely

They say that weight loss is just a “numbers game." Put simply, burning more calories than you’re taking in daily will help you lose weight. Likewise, the amount of caloric deficit will directly impact how quickly you shed those excess pounds, with higher deficits resulting in quicker weight loss.

But if you’re having a tough time losing excess weight, you can consult with Dr. David Yi, Dr. April Enard, Dr. Paula Lansford Seabaugh, and PA Carol Addy PAC here at Trophy Club Family Medicine in Trophy Club, TX, for help creating a safe weight loss and management plan. Whatever your goal is, your weight loss plan must involve diet and proper exercise. In this light, these exercises and diet guidelines could aid you in burning that excess weight safely.

Eat Regularly

Skipping meal times could result in your blood sugar to plunge and make you susceptible to overeating. Try to get in at least three meals daily and a snack or two as well. If you are one of those people who are prone to missing or forgetting meals, consider setting reminders for yourself and actually following them.

Think First Before Drinking

Fruit juices and sodas contain lots of extra sugar and calories, which could contribute to sneaky weight gain and harm your overall health in various ways. The simple act of opting for water could drastically reduce your caloric intake easily.

Consume More Whole Grains

Whole grains make you feel fuller for longer and take more time to digest than simple carbs found in white rice or processed flours. Opt for oatmeal, brown rice, and whole-grain pieces of bread. Whole grains likewise have tons of healthy fiber that may further help with weight loss. Ask your doctor in Trophy Club, TX, for a safe diet plan that’s sustainable for your specific needs and lifestyle.

Opt for Multiple and Shorter Workouts

You don’t necessarily have to work out for 30 minutes straight daily, as long as you’re getting your 30 minutes of exercise daily. For instance, you could do yoga in the morning and weight training in the afternoon, or vice versa. This strategy is especially helpful for busy people.

Do Strength Training Regularly

Studies have shown that muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. This means that having more muscle mass will aid you in losing more weight and keeping it off. The bottom line is that you will burn more calories, even while resting when you have more muscle.

Remember, even the tiniest adjustments to your daily habits, developed to minimize the caloric intake and increase physical activity, could result in lasting, safe, and consistent weight loss.

For Help Creating a Safe Weight Loss and Management Plan That Fits Your Specific Needs, We Can Help

Call (817) 430-9111 to book a visit with Dr. David Yi, Dr. April Enard, Dr. Paula Lansford Seabaugh, and PA Carol Addy PAC here at Trophy Club Family Medicine in Trophy Club, TX, today.

Contact Us

Trophy Club Family Medicine
945 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262

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