The Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

How hormone replacement therapy from your providers in Trophy Club, TX, can help you feel better

If you want to enjoy great health, hormonal balance is important. You and your body experience many changes throughout your life, and one of the changes has to do with your hormones. Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are three stages that can cause dramatic changes to your hormone levels. The good news is bio-identical hormone therapy can help.

The providers at Trophy Club Family Medicine in Trophy Club, TX, provide a wide range of medical services, including bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to help you feel your best. Dr. David Yi, Dr. Paula Lansford-Seabaugh, Dr. April Enard, and PA Carol Addy PAC are here for you. 

Hormonal imbalances can cause many different signs and symptoms, including:

  • Memory problems
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Sleep issues and decreased sex drive
  • Weight gain, especially around your belly
  • Decreased energy levels along with decreased activity

Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormones and get you back to enjoying your life again. A revolutionary new type of hormone replacement therapy uses bio-identical hormones.

Bio-identical hormones are identical in structure to human hormones. This characteristic offers several important advantages, including:

  • Causing fewer side effects than other hormone treatments
  • Individual dosing, offering the ability to customize treatment
  • Long-term effects can last from three to five months
  • Maintaining a steady stream of hormones in your blood
  • Increasing bone density, decreasing the risk of fractures

Bio-identical hormones also won’t increase the risk of blood clots, a stroke, or a heart attack the way some other hormone replacement products can. Treatment with bio-identical hormones has been rigorously researched and tested for effectiveness and safety.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy begins with your provider determining your current hormone levels. Customized treatment is developed using bio-identical hormones, and adding lifestyle modifications to your diet, level of exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors.

To discover more about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and how it can help you, call the providers at Trophy Club Family Medicine in Trophy Club, TX. You can reach Dr. David Yi, Dr. Paula Lansford-Seabaugh, Dr. April Enard, and PA Carol Addy PAC by calling (817) 430-9111, so call now!

Contact Us

Trophy Club Family Medicine
945 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262

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