When Was the Last Time You Had a Physical?

Not sure what the health benefits are of getting an annual physical? Here’s why you shouldn’t skip out on these appointments.

You might agree that turning to your providers once a year for a physical is important for your health, but are you actually doing it? Only 62 percent of Americans report actually getting their annual physicals, according to Kaiser Family Foundation. Just as your car needs to go into the dealership for regular tune-ups, at Trophy Club Family Medicine in Trophy Club, TX, providers Dr. David Yi, Dr. Paula Lansford-Seabaugh, and Carol Addy PAC need to be able to check under their patients’ proverbial hoods to see if everything in their bodies is functioning optimally. And if it’s not, a physical is often the best way to identify problems early so they can get the treatment they need.

How often do I need a physical?

Everyone has different health needs, so how often you turn to Trophy Club Family Medicine providers for a routine physical will depend on your current health status, predispositions, lifestyle, and more. This is something that you should discuss one-on-one with your provider. Healthy individuals between the ages of 19-21 may only need a physical every 2-3 years, while patients between the ages of 22 to 64 should come in every 1-2 years. Those over the age of 65 should come in annually.

When you come into our office for the first time, we will get to know more about you, your health, and your lifestyle to determine just how often you should come in for a physical. Lifestyle factors such as being overweight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, or smoking could predispose you to certain health risks which may require an annual physical at Trophy Club Family Medicine. If you have any preexisting health problems such as heart disease or high blood pressure, your provider may also recommend coming in once a year for a physical.

What are some ways to keep me healthy?

Most health problems that occur can be prevented with a proper lifestyle and healthy habits. Some of how you can improve your health and protect yourself against disease include,

  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding or limiting alcohol
  • Staying up to date on all vaccines
  • Monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Eating a healthy, balanced, and plant-based diet
  • Participating in regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes each day
  • Finding ways to manage your stress, which can contribute to and increase your risk for certain health problems such as heart attack

A quick annual physical at Trophy Club Family Medicine could protect you and your health from certain diseases and disorders as you age. Take the next step for the sake of your health. Call Trophy Club Family Medicine today at (817) 430-9111 to schedule your next visit.

Contact Us

Trophy Club Family Medicine
945 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



